Nicole Flockton

Be whatever you want to be.

20 November 2009

Superstitious - Not me!

Last Friday was Friday 13th. So many people stress and stay at home that day. It's a Friday though, doesn't everyone look forward to a Friday?

For me 13 is my lucky number, why? Well I was born on the 13th. I've had a few black Friday's including my 21st birthday. So how can the 13th be bad. I'm not that superstitious, I even had a black cat - Theodore. It was so cute when he was asleep his whole face was just blank, even his nose was black. I guess the only superstition I do have is not putting new shoes on the dinner table. Nothing else really bothers me. In fact my next Friday 13th Birthday will be in the year 2013. How many people will be hiding that day!

I've always considered that the best things happen to me on the 13th. First one - my birthday. I started a job I loved on 13th November, that year it was a Monday, but I stayed in the job for nearly 5 years and worked with some absolutely fabulous people. I look back at that time with such fond memories.

My DH and I found my engagement ring on 13th May. So for me it made perfect sense to finally send off one my requested Manuscripts on a Friday 13th and so I did. So again, a momentous moment in my life occurred on the 13th of a month.

Now I wait, wait for a response and either good or bad I will not regret sending it on Friday 13th.


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12 November 2009

Time for Change

Thought it was time to change up the look of my blog, particularly after seeing a psychopath had used the same template as I had for a blog. *Shudder*

I wanted something more red in colour to match my website but this was as close as I could find. It's similar to the WInk girls Blog but that's okay.

Back to my editing.


03 November 2009

New Beginnings

Well we've moved into the house. It's nice to be surrounded by familiar things and sleep in my own bed. The kids appear more settled. There are still a heap of boxes that need unpacking and still a bit of the apartment to pack up but it will get done and then we'll be able to relax and settle into a routine.

Even Scooter the cat seems quite content. Extremely happy to go outside and roam around. He never wanted to do that at the apartment and I didn't mind there were trucks and cars coming and going around the complex. The weird thing is Scooter sees the furniture and it obviously clicks in his mind that its all his. He has also worked out that we have a garage that he can get into again. Back home he lived in the garage, he ate and slept out there. So at this house, he sits at the laundry door and goes, let me out, the garage is my domain. I have to keep telling him, that it's okay for him to be inside now, in fact I want him inside. Maybe he has been suffering from Cultural Shock and is happy with the familiar again. But I'm so glad we made the decision to bring him over, I'd be lost without him.

For me I go in and out of Cultural Shock, some days I'm really good and other days I see an email or realise there's a major Australian event coming up (like Melbourne Cup) and I'm not there to celebrate or get dressed up. But there are plenty of new traditions that I can get involved with.

We celebrated our first 'real' Halloween, the kids went trick or treating last year but here in the States, well it's an institution. The kids had a ball getting dressed up and going from door to door and getting treats. I think they got more enjoyment out of handing out the candy to the kids that knocked on our door!

The next big holiday will be Thanksgiving. Kids get some time off school which will be nice and hopefully my DH will be here to help celebrate and not off on another business trip. Although the way his schedule is it's highly likely he'll be away. Fingers crossed he won't be.


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