Nicole Flockton

Be whatever you want to be.

26 June 2007

It's up and running

Hi Everyone,

Take a look over to your right, you'll see a new link it's called "Musings by Wink". That is the blog set up by the members of my writing group. It would be great if you would take a look at it. We'll tell you all about our highs and lows. We'll discuss things, we'll disagree but it will be a lot of fun.

Hope to see you over there sometime soon.


21 June 2007

Short Musings

So how's this two posts in a week! Maybe I'm getting back into the groove of writing.

Actually that is pretty close to the truth, I've been working on my MS all week. Except last night when I had a writers group meeting at my house. But that could still be classed as a form of writing as we were discussing others stories and craft issues.

I'm working on editing my chapter 3 of my MS. In August I have the Romance Writers of Australia conference which I'm so excited about attending. I'm going to do a pitch and I want to make sure my MS is ready for sending in after she asks me for a partial. I'm being positive that the editor is going to ask for a partial. LOL

Speaking of my writing group we are looking at starting up a blog to recount our various journeys of writers block, nail biting anticipation of contest results and submissions. Also we plan to blog about the things that press our 'hot' buttons. We even have an international member of our group. Heather is an relocated Aussie girl in the US. We do miss seeing her at our meetings though.

So keep an eye out on the side of my blog for a new link to a new blog. It will be great if you could visit it occasionally.

You know I think I've finally found my routine again and now have time for writing just about each night. Even if it is just for 15 minutes. More to the point I'm making myself sit down and DO IT!!

As Flylady says, "You can achieve almost anything in 15 minutes" or something along those lines. :-)


14 June 2007

How Things Change

Well I guess I'd be lucky if anyone still visits but what the hey I'll post anyway.

I've discovered something recently and that is I'm bored with the internet. What used to hold me in its thrall. What used to be a need, alright an addiction, just doesn't appeal to me anymore. The sites I used to avidly visit just don't seem to be the same. Guess my life has moved on and everyone I spoke to all the time have moved on with their lives too. We all met at a point in our lives when we needed the internet I guess. I'm disappointed in myself that I don't have the same passion for the sites as I did.

For me having two kids now and working has cut into my internet time considerably but I think the big thing would be that my friends aren't at the end of that MSN board anymore. They're lives have all changed be it children entering their lives, study, activities for kids etc. I find it all a bit sad really. I miss those chats. I miss the laughs we had and how fabulous I'd feel just after having a quick chat with them.

Guess I'll have to try and make some real friends now, not imaginery internet friends. ;)

But to all my friends who still visit this blog. I miss you and I do love you!!