Nicole Flockton

Be whatever you want to be.

17 April 2006

Book Challenge 39 - 41

Okay catching up real fast to what I'm reading. I've read 46 books in total, three over the easter break which is great!! I'm ahead of my goal so I think I'll make the 100 books by the end of the year. Bar anything hectic happening in my life. LOL

This is going to be a long post I think.

Book 39 – Bought by Her Husband by Sharon Kendrick - Sexy/Modern/Presents

Well there was a controversial discussion about this on the Eharlequin thread earlier this year. The book hasn’t been released in the US yet so I’m not really going to say much about it.

The opening scene is so totally unexpected for a Presents. Now I know that there are a lot of readers out there that just can’t stand the Alpha Male and think he is a brute. I love my Alpha Males and would love to be a Modern/Presents writer. That’s my aim anyway. LOL

So back to the story. Alexi and Victoria had only been married a short time when he caught her in a situation that he read all wrong. Typical of our alpha males and he is Greek so he is pretty proud. They’ve been separated for 7 years and he hasn’t been celibate, far from it in fact. I admit I don’t like men who don’t keep to their marriage vows. But I got over it.

I would have liked to have seen Victoria with a bit more backbone. There were glimpses of it but not enough. Alexi could have been a bit more humble but what we got of that I was satisfied.

I set out to be really disappointed by this book and disenchanted at the way the line is going. But I have to say that I was satisfied with the outcome and did enjoy the story.

Surprisingly I will make this book a keeper and will read it again.

I really want to discuss more about it but if I do it will give it all away. It is one I recommend you go out and get and just give it a chance after the first confronting scene.

I’m not sure what the release date will be in the US. I’ve checked back releases and upcoming releases and its not showing up. But keep a look out for it.

Book 40 – The Desert Virgin by Sandra Marton – Uncut Series – Sexy/Modern/Presents

Okay this is the second book I’ve read in the “Uncut series”. A new sub-series for the line. Uncut is supposed to push the boundaries and perhaps be a bit more explicit in the love scenes than your normal Presents.

I loved this story, read it in one day in fact. But I didn’t feel it was any different than the other Presents stories. It was a steamy read. It is the start of the “Knight Brothers” series by Sandra.

Cameron Knight and his brothers have Risk Management company. They go into situations that normal people wouldn’t venture into. Cam’s father asks him to go to this oil country to finalise a deal.

Leanna has been kidnapped and sold the sultan. The sultan gives Leanna to Cam and believes what the sultan has told him that Leanna is not as innocent as she seems.

Anyway they escape the Sultan but are chased by him. They find a place which they thought they would be safe in but of course they aren’t.

Cam gets shot but his brothers are coming to his rescue and he survives. Leanna is taken to Dubai. When Cam wakes up he wants to know how his ‘Salome” is. That is the nick name he gave her. He doesn’t know her real name and therefore can’t find her.

He goes to the ballet with his father and there she is. So he goes to her hotel room and waits for her.

It is then discovered that she was also sick after their rescue but kept calling the hospital to find out how he was doing. She never contacted him because he didn’t contact her but then again she should have realised he didn’t know her name. LOL

I’m looking to reading the next books by Sandra.

Still not sure what to make of the Uncut line as it just seems like the same as a normal Presents to me.

Book 41 – His Best Friend’s Bride by Jodi O’Donnell – Sweet/Tender/Silhouette Romance

This was a sweet read but our heroine, Julia did annoy me a fraction. This was a 2002 release by Jodi and she writes for Special Edition as well.

Griff, Julia and Reb have been friends since birth. In fact it opens up at the hospital just after the three have been born. There is a situation that happens and you don’t know just which boy is which. LOL

Reb and Julia are engaged but Griff has always loved Julia but has been stoic in his silence because he didn’t want to upset his best friends. Reb is having second thoughts and Julia doesn’t know what to do.

Unfortunately she also becomes aware of feelings for Griff that she was denying herself. But for the sake of all their friendships she would marry Reb and deny her true love, which is Griff.

Reb knows that Julia and Griff should really be together. Has known that Griff has always loved Julia and Julia loves Griff just doesn’t admit it to herself.

In the end he does the gentlemanly thing and we find out the true answer to the opening hospital scene.

I really did enjoy this read and would love to find Reb’s story if she has written it.



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