Nicole Flockton

Be whatever you want to be.

26 June 2006

Contest Etiquette

WOOHOO this is my 50th post. Yay me. LOL

Okay so as you know entered a competition didn't make the second round which I was totally cool about. The point of the exercise was for me to actually DO something with my writing. Actually follow through on a commitment.

A couple of weeks ago the finalists were annouced. There was 6 finalists in all. Great opportunity to have your synop put in front of an editor. But here is what kind of annoyed me. There were only 3 finalists. Once person had 3 entries make the final round, another person had 2 entries and one person had 1 entry. Is that really fair?

The contest rules state that you can enter more than one entry. You pay a fee for each entry but you can put in as many as you want. But I think when it comes to the final round only one entry per person should go through. So in this instance one person had 3 places in the final and guess what she placed 1, 2 and 3. Why bother entering?

So I'll say it again, its not sour grapes on my part, I honestly didn't think I'd get the marks that I got and for me it was stepping out of my comfort zone.

I think everyone should have an equal and fair opportunity. Now the contest co-ordinator would have known that this one person had 3 entries go through to the final round so a co-ordinator would have the power to pull out the other entries by this person, thus giving another 2 people an opportunity to get their work in front of an editor.

I feel the contest rules should change and am considering writing to the contest co-ordinator about it. When it comes to the crunch everyone should have a fair go, particularly when it could be a chance at your dream - publication.

Incidentally this particular person that scoped the pool in this comp has finaled in another major RWAus comp and won another of this years competitions. It is obvious this person is talented and I wish her well but give someone else a go!



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