The Blog Year in Review
Well it's been 12 months since I started my blog. So on review what has happened of significance in the last year.
So it's been a year of blogging, but I'm here for another year and God willing quite a few years after that.
- Just after I started blogging my uncle died. It's hard to imagine that he has been gone a year. Is it bad not to constantly think about a loved one that has passed on? I mean he was my uncle and we weren't that close so I guess in a way I don't have to think about him every day. But I know he is in a happy place.
- I made the decision to start working full time. Boy I'm now finding that it is hard slog working everyday. Getting up at 5.15am, leaving at 7am and getting home aroun 6.15pm. Boy does the mother guilt kick in big time when I think about the lack of time I now spend with the kids.
- A month after blogging commenced we finally got the keys to our new house and moved in. There is still a lot to be completed around the house and I despair that it will never get done. We had such high hopes on having the house fully completed before we moved in. Unfortunately they took a long time to build. So we achieved the completion of the inside of the house but the outside is still a major work in progress. But we are here and it's great.
- Christmas and New Year came and went with all the usual excitement and fun. Plus it was the first christmas in the new house so that was cool. Christmas day here was a big success.
- School starts, let the mother guilt kick in again. I took time off to take Skylar to school for the first two days and then life presented us with a fork in the road. Jason gets made redundant. Step in my wonderful parents. Not only do they take Skylar to school every day but they pick her up as well. My parents and sister in law have been wonderful in having her after school during the week. Not to mention my sister who steps up to the plate when my parents can't take her. Each day I have the opportunity to take Skylar to school I do and every time I wish I could keep on doing it. Not yet but I know I'm going to have to make alternative arrangements soon. Can't keep relying on my folks. They aren't getting any younger.
- I enter a writing competition. Wow huge step for me in looking towards putting my work out there. Still get green with envy with every call story I read but I'm never even going to get a rejection let alone a sale if I dont actually submit. So currently working on another competition which requires the first 3 chapters of my WIP. When they are competition ready I think that will be the time to submit as well.
- Jason has another career change just last month, but its a good one. He is in the industry he has been studying for, for the last 2 years. Positive move onto bigger and better things for him.
- And on a lighter note, volunteer to coach my niece's netball team after her coach lets them down. Only had one victory in my 5 games of coaching. Only have another 2 games before the season ends. I enjoy it, just wish I could take the training but doesn't fit in with work. Maybe next year......
So it's been a year of blogging, but I'm here for another year and God willing quite a few years after that.
At 11:33 am ,
Katrina Glover said...
Wow, Nicki. That is a busy year. I'd feel proud, if I were you. You get done what needs to be done, make time for your kids, and squeeze some extra curricular in there too!! You go girl!
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